About Us
Acerca de Nosotros

Documentary with the WA Department of Health
Nuestro primer documantal - sobre el pandemia COVID-19
Spotlight from King 5 Evening's Jose Cedeño
Mission | Misión
Centro Cultural Mexicano strives to inspire inclusive participation by the community in all aspects of education, culture, and society by providing opportunities to create a positive future.
El Centro Cultural Mexicano se esfuerza por inspirar la participación inclusiva de la comunidad en todos los aspectos de la educación, cultura y sociedad al brindar oportunidades para crear un futuro positivo.
Vision | Visión
To build a vibrant community of empowered individuals through art and culture.
Construir una comunidad vibrante de individuos empoderados a través del arte y la cultura.
At Centro Cultural Mexicano, our focus is on empowerment for our communities. All of our services and programs are bilingual in Spanish and English. We provide access to opportunities in the areas of:
Basic needs—rent assistance, access to resources, and vaccinations are all important so that our communities are stable, housed, and healthy.
Small Business supports—to increase financial stability and build intergenerational wealth in our communities and ensure that our small business owners have the technical assistance, information, and access to capital to thrive far into the future.
Financial Education - to provide a foundation and path for our communities empowerment into the future. Intergenerational wealth is based on many factors, from credit score to homeownership. We provide a strategic map tailored to the needs of our Hispanic and Latino communities so that they may realize this dream.
Education supports—we focus on increasing access to post-secondary education like college and trade schools through financial aid supports and information. We also utilize creative technology tools in our Maker Space to provide access to a variety of tools and materials.
Cultural Engagement— Art and culture brings communities together and allow us to take on challenging topics and conversations with open hearts and minds. Come see our monthly art exhibits and experience our cultural events! Join us for live music and great food! Listen to us on the radio three times per week on Radio Ya es Tiempo KXPA 1540 am Tues, Thurs, Fri at 9:00 am.
Youth and Family Engagement—At Centro Cultural Mexicano’s Mi Casa space we offer paid student internships, a variety of state-of-the art creative technology tools in our Maker Space, and workshops and classes for the entire family, all at no cost.
Advocacy—We listen to our communities’ needs and advocate for them, amplifying our communal voices for structural and systems change.
Our Team | Nuestro Equipo
Board of Directors | Mesa Directiva
Dave Juarez
Board Chair
Pedro Espinoza
Angie Hancock
Dr. Jesús Pérez
Diego Gonzalez